
What does it take to love?
A kiss that leaves a mark,
Sweet words that arrest ones heart,
When days spent together is enough.

What does it take to love?
A ‘Love’ that captures consciousness,
creates another world,
another story,shared by two.

What does it take to love?
Where olden days become a treasure,
fights then create pressure,
and silence serves as the measure…

of the love left for the days ahead,
of the love we once celebrated.
What does it take to love?
Remind me of what we forgot.

On Matters of the Heart

First of all, I can only share as far as I’ve learned and experienced.Some of my insights might not be applicable to everyone but it’ll be better to say them hoping that a person or two might find them helpful.So here it goes.

You know our generation.Where having a special someone at a young age is normal.Where having a relationship becomes the ultimate goal of almost everyone.Where self-worth is based on whether we get back the “love that we give”.Where people in our lives remain for a little while.Where changing a boyfriend or a girlfriend becomes as often as changing ones clothes.Where you could get a girl for a date through a facebook status.Offended?We both know that these are true.

The world tells us that these are the cool things to do.These make us feel that we belong,that we’re getting along with the trend,that we’re not left out.But what do we get from these?A few sweet messages.A quick boost of our self-esteems.A few grams of chocolates(and fats too).Roses that wilt,gifts that end up in their respective boxes.Noticed anything?All these things are temporary.None of them will last forever.

Personally,I’ve been through this stage.I once looked for security in the hands of other people.It felt like guys liking me and loving me back will elevate my value as a woman,more so,as a human being.Not being a feminist here.Each one of those relationships gave me the fleeting benefits that I mentioned earlier.But I always ended up crying in the wee hours of the day.I was still unloved and my self-esteem slowly deteriorated with each passing day until I had nothing left to make my self feel good.I remember seeing the ugliest version of myself whenever I looked at the mirror.No amount of styling and make-up can change the fact that I was broken and I’ve lost not just their love but my love for myself as well.

Until this Gentleman came.He didn’t ask anything from me.Just a simple Yes to His unselfish question.The question wasn’t “Will you love me?”,”Will you be my girlfriend?” but rather this life-changing line,”Will you allow Me to love you?” I did say yes.But at first,my yes didn’t mean that He’ll get full access of my life.I kept on pushing Him away.But guess what?He ran after me,chasing me at all the corners where I could possibly be.Not missing out on every tear that I shed.He was there even when I told Him to simply leave me alone.He gave me everything I asked.Gave me even the things that I didn’t ask for.He knew the entire circuitry of my brain.He was that interested with me.That’s how much He loves me.

Want to know who He is?

He’s no other than God.He made me feel the perfect  love that could possibly exist.He gave me the identity that I was looking for all throughout these years.He wants the same thing to happen to you.Whoever you are,it’s not an accident that you’re reading this.Yes,february 14,the most awaited day by teens is coming.You may not have a date,a bouquet of flowers,a stem of flower,or a box of chocolates at hand but You have God who is very much willing to love you at all cost.

It is hard to resist the voices echoing from our hearts.The famous saying says “Follow your heart”,but is it really healthy to ALWAYS follow your heart?Especially on crucial matters that requires making a decision?Decisions that can affect our lives for the rest of our lifetime?The bible says:

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”(NIV-Jeremiah 17:9)

Who can understand it?You might think that you fully understand your heart since it’s beating inside you.In a sense,your heart is your possession.But that’s where the problem arises.When something is your possession,you can do anything you want about it.You can make it love the person who isn’t really for you.You can make it hate the person who has hurt you for the rest of your life.We tend to overuse or abuse the things that we possess.Same thing goes with our hearts.

But what if,we let God to own our hearts?Who is God anyway?What can He do about it?

God knows what is good for us.He knows the smallest details of our lives,our hidden interests,our desires.He will not fill our hearts with confusion,fear and doubt.He will even mold our hearts to be the kind of person that He intended us to be.Bottom line is : He knows the perfect person for each and everyone of us (who were destined to be married).

So why put so much effort on controlling our hearts if we can let God do the controlling?Will that leave us with nothing to do?NO.Because our job at this moment is to obey.Easy?Another NO.It isn’t.It requires discipline,humility and most importantly,the grace of God.At times we will wrestle against Him,defend our points to Him.But at the end of the day we’ll stand in awe of His sovereignty.Get used to this line, “I told you so”,because as hard-headed humans,we’ll get a lot of that.But God’s version is different.His is -“I told you so.I love you.Let’s try again,Im with you in this”. So don’t worry,because you will not be left with an effortless job. 😉

By: Johnny Ramirez and Jaci Velasquez

Lord, You know my heart
And all my desires
And the secret things I’ll never tell
Lord, You know them well

Though I may be young
I see and understand
That at times like sheep we go astray
And things get out of hand

So I promise to be true to You
To live my life in purity
As unto You
Waiting for the day
When I hear You say
Here is the one I have created
Just for you

Until then, O Lord
I will be content
Knowing that true love
Will come someday
It will only come from You

‘Cause I have seen the suffering
That loneliness can cause
When we choose to give our love away
Without a righteous cause

I just want to remind you that you are not alone,you are not unloved,you are not worthless,you are not ugly,you are not unlovable.You are the EXACT OPPOSITE of all of these. Despite your imperfection ,Someone sees you differently.God does.Until the day comes,that we’ll come across the person created just for us (Yes,we’re that special to God,He created someone,just for YOU!),let’s continue to allow Him to change us day by day,until we’re ready to be the MAN or WOMAN OF GOD for our better half.I’m not saying that obeying God will stop there.It will continue as the journey goes on.How exciting it is to be drawn closer to God by the person you love.Let your future spouse remind you everyday of your first true love-who is God.
-Hushed Noise

To the man I love.

Dear ……,

Sorry I know this is late,it’s 1:29 am on my clock, an hour and 29 minutes pass feb 14.As you know,I’m waiting for you… Right now,I still want to feel your presence.In a dream again maybe…but I cant sleep yet.I have an exam tomorrow,2 exams.I dont know how to pull this off.First,im heavily distracted and second…im distracted.Well reading Gregoria de Jesus’ life  is not the best thing to do at this time of the day…

I know I already used this before,but I want to call you Honey.It’s the cheesy name that Im most comfortable with.Do you know what I did today?To just avoid the temptation of texting the guys who asked me out days before yesterday’s over-rated day?Right after class I locked myself in my room and reflected on my life instead…I tried to dig deep within my heart,to see what’s really there and to throw whatever unnecessary feelings I have such as loneliness.Even if I deny it,God knows that I felt sad seeing those girls carrying bouquets of flowers,chocolates and love letters.I just cant lie to Him for He knows me more than I know myself.

The thought of …I could have been that girl ,carrying maybe just a stem of rose but the catch is,with the guy that I dont even love,a guy that I barely knew,a guy who just wants someone to be with on that day,another lonely soul.And that,I cant do.He’s not you.They’re not you.

I just want you to be happy…when that day comes.When we’ll both have our first glance of each other’s face.I badly want  to save this date for you.The mistakes that I had before,I know they can no longer be erased,but I know I can avoid those from happening again.

Whoever you are,wherever you are right now,whatever you’re doing,whether a thought of me already crossed your mind or not…I want you to know that every night I pray for you.I know right now,God wants us first to be closer to Him before we can be closer to each other,before we can truly love each other.Even if sometimes I get defeated with my emotions as a human…God never failed to remind me of His love for me.I know,He’s doing the same to you.

You may not know me yet,but there’s a girl,who is saving her date for you.A girl who’s waiting for you.A girl who writes letters to you…even if people find her weird for doing so…even if she finds herself weird and crazy for doing so.haha.

I dont have a flower at hand,nor a letter or a chocolate bar.But I’m firmly holding on to God’s will for the two of us.I love you and Happy Valentine’s Day…okay let me say it once again…Honey. :))

