Entry #1 : It’s not another manic monday

From the outside it looks like one.But when you try to look deeper,it’s not.It’s the beauty of having spiritual eyes.

Just a little story of what happened today.I had two exams,I wasn’t able to review for the other one.It felt like God was diverting my attention to Him.No matter how hard I tried to shift my focus to studying,I just cant… because God was eagerly urging me to talk to Him first.Or hear from Him.I haven’t been talking that much for the past days.It felt like God wants me to listen to Him instead of me blabbering about certain things.Maybe He knew that my words might mean differently to other people.



In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” – Proverbs 3:6

Did He want me to fail my exams by demanding my time? Definitely not.

He simply wanted to spend some time with me.He actually taught me something about failure.He knew I was feeling bad about failing lately and so he directed me to an article written by a Christian author.That morning I found myself typing “Truth from God’s Word When You Feel Like A Failure”on Google.He was there to comfort me,to ready my heart and soul for the long day.

…and guess what? I think I did good with my exams.Despite my lack of time to study,God pulled it off for me.The items that appeared in my exam are the ones that I still remember.God is really good.He will direct our paths if we just have faith on Him and put Him first in everything we do.Afterall,He’s not concerned with our success,He’s concerned with us and our relationship with Him.


”Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”James 1:2-4

I really find it hard to deal with failure.Especially when one failure comes after the other.It makes me feel that my efforts are worthless.I admit that I sometimes forget to learn.From the outside it appears like I am totally fine with criticisms but inside,it makes my organs twist each other.Which is the reason why I sometimes find myself battling with…no other than myself.I do have personal goals but God reminded me that my goals are not necessarily His as well.My goal was to pass my exams but God’s goal was to draw me closer to Him.To pass not just my exams but the trials of this world.He knew how hard-headed I am when it comes to this matter.That I sometimes need to be broken to acknowledge my lack of control on a particular matter.

So how will we learn to learn from God?It takes Humility,in order for us to submit to His ways.

Here’s something from the article that I was talking about a while ago:

“Those who keep looking back at their failures will never win the race set before them. We can evaluate where and how we failed for the purpose of learning and growing; however, the past is never to be our focus. If it is, it will cripple our future. As we look at failure, we need to understand why we fail and when we fail.”-Kay Arthur

Do not be a prisoner of your past.Your past lives,past failures or whatever it is that is hindering you from moving forward to the race set before you.God has set a race for us and the price is not a trophy,a medal,or any earthly metal…but a crown in heaven and an eternal life to be spent with Him.

”Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”Hebrews 12:1 


”And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Yes,you might think this is cliche.But as I was eating yesterday,in a Korean restaurant inside the campus,I stumbled upon this verse while reading a Devotionals app.It was explained in a different light.Some may perceive this verse differently if read only once.Things work together not necessarily for our own selfish definition of good,but for the good of the Kingdom of God and our spiritual life.What might be inconvenient for us might bring Glory to the God and surely God will not leave us alone in that kind of inconvenience.We are only mirrors or reflectors of His glory and we cannot claim the Glory for ourselves whenever we get out of unwanted situations.We were put in such situation in the first place for people to see how God cares for His children,to see the power of God in every situation,to deepen our spiritual lives.Returning the glory and praises to Him in our journey and deliverance from these situations.

God isn’t boasting.He cares so much for us that He teaches us in His own unfathomable ways and catches us when we’re too weak to handle our situations.

Maybe it’s time to redefine the way we see trials:

A screenshot from the devotionals app.


1.I met Jasmine today.A long time friend from Mindoro.It’s my first time to see her in person.

2.Korean food.Cuz it’s been a while since I last ate one

What an angle.Btw,Im eating alone.

3.I had another late night bus ride and seeing the stars while enjoying the comfy seat under the dim yellow light is just perfect.

4.I went home and spent a day with my family. 😀

Blog Series

I’m starting my first ever blog series.I attempted to do this last year but I failed.

The blog series will be composed of two main points:

1.What God has taught me today

2.What made me smile today

I just really need to see more of God in my everyday life…if I don’t want to drown in my failures and disappointments.This will surely help to see the side of life that we fail to see when we’re in unwanted situations.To realize that there are more things to be thankful for.To realize each day that our God,the God that we serve and love is more than our failures and personal struggles.That life was created to be lived not under the control of the negativities around us.(Take it from an ex-pessimist)

It’s time to redefine my life,with the help and grace of God.I know I can’t move a mile from here.Not yet.But a few inches each day will do.Someday I’ll get there.

I’ll post pics if possible.I hope you’ll check them out.