How to begin?

I opened my eyes to the warmth of the morning light,

I searched for tears that were hesitant to flow,

I looked at the mirror,there was nothing,not a hint of a smile.

Only the stagnant features that I’ve always recognized.

I decided to get up,but I cant.

My body paralyzed by something within.

Not a disease,not the weather,something far greater.

It is fear that consumed my hope to begin.

I tried to utter words, to ease the pain that grows,

The pressure flattened my hopes to the thinnest portion.

As if nothing was left of me,where was the person that I used to be?

Where is the unfaltering joy amidst all the trials?

I searched deeper.Prayed harder.

I was screaming silently to reach Your ears.

Your ears that are in heaven,Your face out of reach.

But I bowed instead and I found You there ,residing in my heart.

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