August 2,2015

I woke up to the beep of my phone. My boss just replied to my text message regarding my leave today.

I stared at the ceiling, gazed at the wall, my family. I tried to get up, but the pain, the pain inside me is pulling me back to my pillow, pulling me back with my tears. But I had to resist. I need to get up. I need to keep on living.

Read a few Psalms. Responded to a friend’s message and I stood up, using the last bit of energy that I have.

I went out of the room and reached for my brother’s desktop. I just have to write. Write all of these down. Not the past. No, I won’t reminisce. I need to document, how my everyday will be. How I will start living, fighting, and breathing a new atmosphere. So that someday, when I will look back, there will be nothing but smiles.

Maybe, we just need to embrace what everyday brings. For nothing here on earth will last forever. Not even the ones we love.

So let everyday be your last. Love without hesitation, give without holding back, smile and laugh like it’s the funniest joke.

This is just the beginning. You’ll get through this Marylie, the LORD is with you. HE knows what is happening, HE knows what HE’s doing.


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